Thursday, May 2, 2024
HomeDIY-CraftSimple Steps to Converting your Garage into a Beautiful Winter Garden

Simple Steps to Converting your Garage into a Beautiful Winter Garden

Winter Gardens are grown in the winter months around the world to give life and color to the colder, dismal parts of the year. These gardens originated in Europe from the 1600s to 1800s under the high-class Nobility who had Winter Gardening done in large, glass-covered Conservatories. These conservatories stored a delightful collection of Tropical and Subtropical plants. In the middle 1800s, public winter gardens had also started coming up.

The Winter Garden is a garden maintained during the winter season. They are built with greater care as most plants are very fragile to the weather. Mistakes made during winter gardening are a little harder to rectify. Thus, extra care always goes into the process. Small winter gardens in your garage will mostly be focused on ornamental flowers and veggies.  Most of these will require some enclosure which your garage will provide.

What all Must I Prepare for my Little Winter Garden?

Before we start thinking about planting, seeding and growing, it is important to meet the necessary needs of your potential plant babies during the coldest months of the year. Four very important things must first be known to the gardener.

A Heating System

Adequate heating lies at the very, very core of successful winter gardening. In modern-day gardens, one or two heaters and/r solar lamps will be all that is obligatory to heat up a regular size garage. The amount of heat and humidity (think humidifiers) that will be sufficient depends on the plants you will nurture. Not all plants will be able to grow with each other.


Again, customized to the needs of your plants, lighting will be a primary requisite.  Plants mostly need sunlight for photosynthesis which may not be available and artificial winter gardening lights will need to look into. Plants also perform better under different colors of light.  Hang artificial lights above each section of plants to have them thrive.


Cleaning might be the first of many fun parts of this journey. The repulsive, dusty garage that you scarcely want to consider a part of your living space will be turned into a marvelous inventory of plants and life. In the process, you may come across memories of many old days and relive them with your family. So many great stories start from here.

Know Your Weather

Winters are different at different places across the planet. Although all are cold, some are relatively easier to get through. It snows at places while it doesn’t in others. It rains a lot in some parts f the world. Knowing the pattern of the winter climate in your region will help you choose and prepare everything else. Generally, harsh cold and dryness are the common features of most winter garden weather.

Once all these things are taken care of, we can move towards thinking of plants and gardening tips.

What Plants do we Grow in the Winter Months?


Winter gardening majorly revolves around certain vegetables and winter flowers. Most winter flowers are Temperate Zone plants which might still require additional warmth and humidity. Here are some plants you can grow.

Veggies that Grow in Winters Naturally

Beans, carrots, cucumbers, turnips, spinach, lettuce, etc grow well during the winter months with a little bit of extra care.

Veggies that Need Warmth

Broccoli, cabbage, kale, Brussels sprouts are some that can grow very well in enclosed conservatories in winter.

Winter Flowers

Among tones of dainty little winter flowers to brighten up your life, some are pansies, violas, snowdrops, daffodils, mahonias.

How to Ace My First Attempt at Winter Gardening?

At this point, you must be wondering “How can I develop my gardening to meet the winter needs?” Well, gardening in winter still will involve all the basics of generally good gardening. Apart from that, here are four lesser remembered garden tips for winter.

  1. You may want to cut down on the expensive and at times harmful artificial heating and use the naturally proven, age-old winter tactic of covering your crops and plants with mulches to keep them safe from temperature fluctuations.
  2. Fall is the ideal time to start preparing for a winter garden. Plants are really sensitive to seasons and when you plant a crop can mean all it for its growth and health.
  3. If the plants are heaved (if they look like their roots are slightly uprooted) just tend to them gently and push them back into the soil.
  4. Your plant’s babies will be relying on you for a lot of extra moisture for their air and soil all through winter. Pay a lot of attention to their water and nutrition needs in these hard months.


Winter Gardening is one of the most productive ways to employ your time in the coldest season of the year.  They look absolutely beautiful against the pale winter backdrop and are a great challenge for any gardening lover to take up. Moreover, the end result is extremely rewarding – a warm, growing haven within the perimeter of your own home.

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